
Saturday, August 19, 2017

The family Stromateidae of butterfish contains 15 species of fish in three genera. Butterfishes live in coastal waters off the Americas, western Africa and in the Indo-Pacific.

<p>The endemic New Zealand species Odax pullus is commonly called butterfish, but is from a separate family Odacidae. The Japanese butterfish Psenopsis anomala is from the separate family Centrolophidae. The African butter catfish is also known as the butter fish.


source : hiveminer.com

  • Genus Pampus
    • Silver or white pomfret, Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen, 1788); Synonym: P. cinereus (Bloch, 1795).
    • Chinese silver pomfret, Pampus chinensis (Euphrasen, 1788):
    • Pampus echinogaster (Basilewsky, 1855).
    • Southern lesser pomfret, Pampus minor Liu & Li, 1998.
    • Pampus punctatissimus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845).
  • Genus Peprilus
    • Gulf butterfish, Peprilus burti Fowler, 1944.
    • Pacific harvestfish, Peprilus medius (Peters, 1869).
    • Shining butterfish, Peprilus ovatus Horn, 1970.
    • Harvestfish (American harvestfish) Peprilus paru (Linnaeus, 1758).
    • Pacific pompano, Peprilus simillimus (Ayres, 1860).
    • Salema butterfish, Peprilus snyderi Gilbert & Starks, 1904.
    • Atlantic butterfish (aka American butterfish), Peprilus triacanthus (Peck, 1804).
  • Genus Stromateus
    • Southwest Atlantic butterfish, Stromateus brasiliensis Fowler, 1906.
    • Blue butterfish, Stromateus fiatola Linnaeus, 1758.
    • Starry butterfish, Stromateus stellatus Cuvier, 1829.


source : en.wikipedia.org


source : www.wikiwand.com

Escolar is sometimes fraudulently labelled as butterfish. This can be more hazardous than other fish mislabeling due to the potential health effects of escolar.


source : www.talkaboutfish.com

  • Froese, Rainer, and Daniel Pauly, eds. (2006). "Stromateidae" in FishBase. January 2006 version.

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